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Cleanse and then heal lining? Or heal lining and then cleanse?
  Views: 2,330
Published: 19 y

Cleanse and then heal lining? Or heal lining and then cleanse?

I am too fatigued/foggy headed to get into all of my symptoms, but basically I have Candida/Leaky gut that has really affected my energy levels, my moods and my head. I get headaches sometimes, depressed, fatigued, anxious etc. The thing is is that these things are not always affected by just what I eat, they are affected by my environment. If I am in a new building with new building materials, I'll feel one way, if I'm in an old building, I'll feel another. If I'm near polluted water, I'll feel one way, if I'm in an area that does not have any clean fresh air, and there's just pavement and buidlings, I'll feel another. My personaility literally changes based on what kind of air I am breathing in. This is crazy. I am not sure how to handle this because sometimes a certain supplement can agree with me, but if I'm in a certain type of environment, the supplement will affect me in another way. It started out as just food sensitivities , but now it's turned into chemical/environmental sensitivities. The worst is when I feel irritable based on something in the environment, and I just can't get rid of that feeling. You can even see it from the way I look. My face gets really bloated. I've tried everything - parasites cleanses, liver cleanses, general bowel cleanses, now I'm doing a Candida cleanse. One thing, I definitely cannot tolerate are probiotics which is extremely upsetting because from everything that I read, one needs this friendly bacteria in order to heal. Now I'm reading posts in this forum thinking that perhaps I should heal the leaky gut first with glutamine before I started doing all the cleanses??? I'm in the middle of a Candida cleanse. Should I be doing the candida cleanse, and then heal the lining for leaky gut? Or should I stop the candida cleanse, try to heal the lining first with glutamine (or whatever else helps with leaky gut), and then go back to the Candida cleanse? Any help would really be appreciated. The worst is that it affects my persoanlity, and ability to think clearly. Please help. Thanks..


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