Re: Garlic: Risk vs benefit question
I was fortunate enough to meet
Hulda Clark at the Health Expo in Richmond, VA and was able to attend her lecture on fasciolopsis buski. I clearly remember her saying that fasciolopsis buski could only exist if all required ingredients / components were present in the body. Those were garlic or onions, lemons, and ferrocyanide (which is metalic rust from corroded water pipes). She also mentioned that the presence of milk in the diet seemed to have some effect on it's presence. If milk was in the diet, there seemed to be this very long and thin worm that would be present (she described it as possibly being up to 6 feet long but very very thin), as soon as milk was removed from the diet, the worm would disappear within 7-14 days and not appear again until milk was reintroduced into the diet.
She stressed the fact that clean drinking water (clean from rust, galvanized contamination, chlorine, and wheel bearing grease) was absolutely essential to cleansing.
I've eaten garlic all of my life and it has helped keep me very healthy. Your concern should be mixing garlic with lemons, and ferrocyanide simultaneously, not by itself.
Make sure you are drinking either reverse osmosis water or de
Ionized Water out of glass bottles and that should eliminate the concern for ferrocyanide in your water supply.