Hi~! I'm new to this site, I was looking for side effects of the Mirena and stumbled upon this site! Here is my story: I had the Mirena put in May of 2009 and had no significant side effects untill November 09. I noticed a bald spot on the top left side of my head. I immediately went to see my Primary Physician who checked my Thyroid, which was normal so he thought it was Alopecia Areata. He put me on medications which was not helping. I would still have a sink full of hair in the morning after brushing my hair which has never, ever happended to me before. He finally sent me to a Dermatologist, she took a biopsy of my head which came back as a fungus. She put me on 3 different kinds of meds. My hair is still falling out and she told me last week my meds have taken care of it and my hair should not be falling out anymore. Now she suggest taking the Mirena out, that the Mirena could be the culprit...after all! I'm so frustrated and its so devistating to be 23 and have 10 differnt bald spots on your head. Its getting harder and harder for me to cover them up. Has anyone else experienced anything like this??