Re: Poisons, metals, alcohols, solvents, parasites...
Hi Lisa,
The contamination I refer to in my post, is not a mixture of another oil, but rather that which in considered by Dr.
Hulda Clark as dangerous and detrimental for your health.
The syncrometer specialist followed the Dr.
Hulda Clark protocol an used her test bottles of dangerous substances. The syncrometer works by resonance. So, you start with a sample of a poison, metal, alcohol, solvent, parasite… and check whether there is a resonance with the substance you are testing. If the resonance is there, it means that that concrete contaminant is present.
I don't recall every single finding he made (that was 5 years ago) and in every olive oil mark was something different, but I still remember clearly that "SOLVENTS" and "ASCARIS EGGS" were the most commun findings.
Hope that helps.