Re: Back to back cold sores at 43
I just want to reply to my own message. : )
I am doing and feeling better. I did some reading and realized that increased frequency is not really associated with age as others have had it as well. And it doesn't mean this sets a precedent for future outbreaks. I also read, from a menopausel woman, that her outbreaks actually stopped.
I am feeling more in control. Taking my red algae, using Novitra at the first sign of anything (I think my mind is making half this stuff up but I act on it anyways) and using
Colloidal Silver around the lips when I feel anything.
I really think all of these things have made a large difference. All of them and I have more confidence that I can stop them, or if not that, minimize and/or make them go away faster (see tea post).
My next thing to try is BHT topically and orally only during signs of outbreak. One woman on a BHT and oral herpes page said she has kept hers away for 20 years using this protocal.
Good luck all