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More/specific please...Re: :) what Willowley said! More info please :) n/m Re: Some Questions........Re: Hair loss
unyquity Views: 2,647
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More/specific please...Re: :) what Willowley said! More info please :) n/m Re: Some Questions........Re: Hair loss

As far as cleanses go, my last colon cleanse was about 1 3/4 years ago what kind of colon cleanse, for how long, what product?. I take Milk Thistle regularly, organic or not? whole ground seed or an isolated extract? so I haven't done a liver cleanse, but could probably use one. :v) I have tried fasting for a day here and there, but that's it. No other cleanses. Also, drink wheat grass periodically, but it sometimes makes me feel like I do with sugar.

Diet - I am doing my best to be gluten-free. I also am eating very little sugar - just here and there. I do eat dairy and meat (2 times a week - not a big meat eater), but don't seem to have problems with either. Also, used to drink A LOT of caffeine. I am drinking maybe one caffeine product a week - at the most. Hoping to get rid of that totally soon. I drink water, lemonade (lemon, water, stevia), and sometimes caffeine free diet soda (BAD!).  What kind of water? how much daily? 

Diet - percentage raw/steamed produce? percentage organic?

Do you have a juicer? if so, what kind (centrifugal or masticating? brand/model of what you have if you don't know what kind it is)

what are you allergic to? other food "reactions"? (if so, describe the 'reactions)

age? female/hormone issues? (menopause?)

Supplements - Here goes....Omega - 2000mg per day I assume you mean Omega 3's? What kind of "omega", what brand? , Milk Thistle - 2 capsules per day, Calcium - 600mg per day What kind/form of calcium? Magnesium - 800mg per day (my body seems to need more mag than calc), Vit. D - 2000iu per day, digestive enzymes (2 per day), type?  iron (occasionally - when I look pale), probiotics (occasionally), Vit-B complex (due to stress - only been taking 6 months - they are helpful) synthetic or plant/food based? here's how you can tell: , Biotin - 5000mg (hair), stopped L-Tyrosine in a Thyroid supplement, (because it made my hyper) and I take Ashwanganda (sp?) - 1 capsule per day.  I have occasionally taken E and Maca here and there. (Heard that maca would help adrenal and balance hormones - This looks a little long! :::grin::: you're just not familiar with how much info I prefer to be able to offer healing advice :)

-- pretend you'd never had any kind of a 'test' to tell you what is wrong, then...describe what your main issues are and what YOU think is wrong...and what are you wanting to address? (do you want a recommendation for what will band-aid/squelch your symptoms, or do you want to thoroughly heal/restore your body?)


Okay, that should "do it" - I'll do my best to get you a response with in a day or two of getting your reply.



Exercise - Lift weights 3-4 times a week, aerobic of some kind daily (not running)

**Larry mentioned auto-immune disease. My mother had Lupus. I don't have Lupus, but have thought maybe I could have some sort of auto-immune issue, too (I can have bad allergies).

Thanks for everyone's help! Please let me know if I forgot something.




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