Re: Long-Term Girlfriend Molested as a Child, Hurting our Relationship
Hi, I'm new on here, I just read your post and althought this probably won't be helpful to you, I just wanted to say I feel like I am exactly the same as your girlfriend.
I was also abused as a child and all the symptoms and effects you have described all fit with me and how I feel!
However, my boyfriend doesn't know my past, I can't tell him so that makes it hard for me :(. I feel so guilty because to make him happy I still do have sex with him but my heart isn't in it and I hate that. I just don't want him to think I don't find him attractive because I do, I just don't like sex!
I've just started counselling, I also went for my boyfriend but it's also for me because I'm doing it for our relationship. I don't know yet if it will help me but I'm hoping it does, and I would say your girlfriend should continue her counselling for this reason. Even if she says it is just for you, it will hopefully help her too in the long run.