Pure Vitamin E oil in eyes?
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if anybody had ever tried drops of pure vitamin E in their eyes?
I have suffered from red eyes for years, not all the time, but they turn red easily and often stay red for several days. Even when they feel completely normal, sometimes I'll check in a mirror and to my surprise my eyes will be extremely red.
After doing some research on the internet I found an old forum post where somebody was suggesting drops of pure Vitamin E directly in the eyes.
However, on the websites where I can order it, very often they say "keep out of eyes" as one of the warnings.
So what's the deal? Can it be used in eyes or not?? On that forum, the guy was saying that it helps rebuild and strengthen the eye.
I'm thinking of ordering a bottle and trying it out for myself, but I thought I'd ask here first, because this site has been very informative for me in the past (I browse often but this is my first post).