Hello! I had red eyes too!
But I fixed them, because I'm a genius, and I just want to share with you my little technique I developed. My eyes are so white now, all the time I don't even use visine.
So, this is how I did it. I got to thinking about the mechanics of it. And you know that stinging feeling you get when you put visine in your eyes? It's your eyes getting whiter. Same as when you leave them open for too long and close them, you get that same stinging sensation. It's your eyes lubricating themselves. Making them white.
And the act of blinking keeps your eyes so moist that they aren't creating that special lubricant, they don't think they need it. But if you let them dry out a bit, your eyes will react and start creating that special lubricant for them. Once that is created you can blink lots just to get it spread around. But then try to blink less in general.
I open them really wide for as long as I can until they start watering and getting that stinging sensation. Then I close them for 2 or 3 seconds just to get the lubricant on them, maybe blink a few times, whatever. And then open them again until it stings, close them once more for 2 or 3 seconds, open them up, blink a bit if you need to.. wipe away any overflowing tears.. and voila!
They might appear slightly red at first for a few seconds, but then they clear up to brilliance!That stinging sensation is what makes them happy, the important thing is getting that stinging sensation.
It is important to get a certain amount of blinking in during the day, obviously, just to spread the lubricant, but not too much blinking or they will be over moistened and you won't produce that special lubricant.