Re: Candida Ball?
..enzyme mixture..
"megazyme forte"..7 enzymes and bunch of other good stuff..
from "medical research products".
..colon cleanse system [3 products that must go together]
from "".
1. caproyl [entirely natural anticandida weapon..
the caprylic acid from cocoanut oil kills the candida yeast on contact; the lauric acid from the safflower oil will absorb into the fungal rhizoids and kill them as well.
Bentonite magma..basically volcanic clay..absorbs toxins..will not absorb into the body.
3. psyllium husk and SEED blend *..pysllium forms a mucilage sludge that traps the caproyl and holds it against the intestinal wall. the crushed psyllium seeds
are slightly abrasive..but wont harm tissue. Makes for a
spongy mass that expands and coats every
inch of plumbing
with organic antifungal scrubbrush.
*superior psyllium..has crushed seeds..excellent
intestinal scrubber ..most psylliums are psyllium husks
..all 3 sold for..$68.75[usd] plus 10.77 shipping last i feb 2010.
***also find a book at the wholeapproach site..small book..
not expensive.."Conquering Yeast Infection" [S. Colet Lahoz; RN, MS, LAc [whatever LaC means..]
detailed info on the Caproyl system..and other anti
candida techniques.
I had been taking caprylic acid pills for a while ..with
essentially NO effect. found out later why.
caprylic acid very rapidly enters the small intestine picked up by the blood and is shunted to the liver and destroyed within minutes.
..if trapped in a psyllium gel..that won't
will travel in the psyllium goo from one end to the other...killing whatever candida it touches.