I don't know how long it will take for you to get back to yourself I hope soon, but I can tell you I have really struggled with this evil device, more so than anything in my life. However, I have finally felt more like myself in the last month then ever before. I know this may sound crazy (which I am not) but I got down on my knees at church and cried like a baby and I had never felt better! Now there is alot more to the story of what got me to finally go up to the alter, but most of it stems from my stuggles physically, mentally, and spiritally from mirena. I truely think I am finally now closer to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit then I ever was before. I was SO afraid of dying and I felt alot of times like mirena was literally going to be the death of me. A lady at church gave me six pages of info to read and this was the beginning of my healing process. I was surprised to find at the end of the 6 pages that the info she gave me was from a book called "God's Psychiatry" by Charles L. Allen. Maybe you could check this book out or e-mail me and I will share with you what she shared with me. Goodluck, I will pray for you!!