I have done at least 40 Liver Flushes also. I kept doing them - and kept making more so I would feel better but the problems would come back. I would get dizzy sometimes and have mood problems. This went on for about 20 years until I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, an autoimmune problem which damages the small intentine. The cure for this is eating a gluten free diet. The mood and dizziness may have been caused by a toxin producing bacteria in the gut. I used a water based Iodine solution and herbs like tumeric to combat this problem. The information about what I used can be found at the 'Dr. Clark Information Center' website. Most gall stone form about a particle - a parasite, a bacteria or a tiny piece of food. As long as you have the particles in your bladder or bile tubes in the liver you will keep forming stones. I still do gall bladder flushes but not as often and am rarely dizzy and the Depression I had has lifted. One gallstone I passed a few years ago had a fragment of an old metal filling embedded in it. I also do parasite and kidney cleanses.