Re: Preparing for liver flush
There wasn't any pain at any time in any of my flushes; that was my #1 concern the first time!
I had nausea, cold sweat, and faintness with my most recent flush. I believe it was shock from the toxins being reabsorbed in the bowel on the way out. It was a little scary but once I eliminated, I was instantly better. Reference my message subject "Toxin overload?" for the full story.
Have a cool, wet towel nearby to help ease discomfort if you feel flush or nauseated. If you live alone, do take care so that you do not fall; for example, sit in the floor rather than up high or on the edge of the bathtub. If you do feel faint, put your head down and breathe slowly and deeply, and put the wet towel on the back of your neck. Keep your eyes open and focused on something. The feeling will pass in a few minutes and you will feel fine once you "go".
Don't worry & best of luck! You're on the road to feeling a lot better!