Have you looked into the solution, called Silver Sol?
Hi there Fragrance,
My username's Surfer27, but my friends call me Ryan. I just read your post and wanted to ask you, if you have ever tried a solution, called Silver Sol Solution before? The reason I ask, is because, like you I, have suffered with fecal
Body Odor s for 4 yrs now and still am out, to find a solution to my
Body Odor problems. I have tried everything, that people on Curezone have mentioned, but still no relief!!!!! If you google silver sol and get some info on it, could you get back to me on this, as to, what you think of it. I am just asking this because, I am really at the end of my rope and can't, handle much more of this. Take care and talk to you soon, I hope. God bless you.