Re: How often can you use Epsom Salts BETWEEN flushes???
Hi Nortehrn Lite
Sorry to hear about your troubles, hopefully soem words of help...
Indigestion likely becasue you had a fatty meal, which will not be released from the stomach it there is a shortage of bile to help digest it.
You could be short of bile to the gut if you still have a stone in the tube leading from the liver to the gut, and this is creating a blocking action.
Epsom Salts may partly relief the symptoms as the Magnesium dilates the tube allowing some bile through.
Most likley you need to think in terms of doing another Liver Flush, use the Dr. Hula Clarke method, stay faithful to no fatty foods 24 hrs before, the
Epsom Salts and
Olive-Oil timings. Hopefully then you can flush out the blockage.
As to dehydrating - keep drinking water - ideally 2 litres per day, whether or not you are liver flushing, this will not interfere with the
Liver-Flush process.
Hope this helps
Steve Cambridge