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Re: How often can you use Epsom Salts BETWEEN flushes???
hopinso Views: 5,510
Published: 20 y
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Re: How often can you use Epsom Salts BETWEEN flushes???

You might want to try some other treatments to help move the stone out and help your liver function. You can do coffee retention enemas every other day for a week or two, then once a week until symptoms subside. My doctor actually had me do them everyday for ten days, but looking back I think that was a little too much, although it did help get the stones moving in my very congested liver. Other things that might help include drinking the juice of a fresh lemon every morning to make the gallbladder contract. Some people also take a tablespoon of olive oil, but the article I read just mentioned fresh lemon juice. The herb turmeric helps stimulate the flow of bile. I buy the spice in bulk and put it in empty gelcaps (size 00) and take about six caps a day. Turmeric is also a good blood cleanser and anti-inflammatory agent. You can also add it to soups, rice and veggies if you like the exotic flavor (turmeric is a spice in curry).

While you are adding these elements to your cleansing plan, continue to take the smallest dose of Epsom Salt you can to ease your symptoms. You can flush every week for a short time, but too many flushes too close together can stress the liver. Last year I had to flush once or twice a week for a month and got 100 or more stones every flush. This was a turning point for me, but I only recommend it for people with extreme discomfort, and only for a short period of time.

If you find you still need rather substantial doses of Epsom Salt to control your pain then get some EmergenC and drink three packets a day along with plenty of water. This should take care of your dehydration and electrolyte depletion issues. I remember Shellycat had a recipe for a Liver Cleansing salad made with fresh grated carrots with lemon juice and olive oil drizzled on it, this might also be good for you. The recipe is in the Ask Shelly achieves in the FAQ section.


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