To Spud and others
From the thread below also posted at:
First, an apology for calling you something other than your username.
Secondly, I would remind you that it was my post that kicked off the above referenced thread. Everyone here in the VibeNhance forum is allowed their space (suposedly). If you don't agree with something that is said, then you may consider just to "keep moving along" and refrain from making a derrogatory comment about the subject matter yourself. Let it go and Simply Move-On. After all this is not a debate forum. So, the way I see it, you and IC have both come looking for a conflict.
Thirdly. Moving in the dimension of the spiritual is an unknown. If one already knew about it, there would be not need to venture into it. The difficulty for everyone that does this investigatory work with themselves is treading in a dimension that is not very clear. If one does not understand the power and nature of desires, then they are capable of causing many more problems for themselves... unexpected and complicated problems.
Certainly there are pitfalls that one will come across while they undergo experimeting with their own inner psychological world. With spiritual growth through meditation, someone who is experienced with these pitfalls that can be encountered along the way can be very helpful. One can save a lot of time and energy spent on finding one's way through this labyrinth by connecting with someone who has an authentic genuine experience with such matters. Something as simplistic as understanding the difference between concentration and meditation can be quite valuable. This alone, in itself, will save a lot of hardship. Understanding the difference between muttering a mantra and sitting in silence can be quite helpful. Otherwise one may continue moving as a blindman in the dark indefintely.
Perhaps you have heard of something called the "kundalini crisis". This is an example of one of the pitfalls that one can fall into when moving on their own in the dimensions of the spiritual, experimenting with dreams, imagination and meditation. You can examine a posted message in the schizophrenia forum to read about what has happened to an individual that encountered such a situation.
One is dealing with that which is unknown to them. One can read many books on different areas of interest and never be certain whether the author really knows what he is talking about. It is easy for someone to have a book published on a subject that they have no real experience with. The impetus is the usual - making money, acquiring power over others. There are many many pretenders that claim to be an authority, when in fact they are not. Pretenders, charletons, fake guru types that exploit others are many.
When I began investigating the subject of meditation, I recall that I read a number of books in which I felt the authors really did not really know what they was talking about. It deals with the subjective. It is a topic that can be taught by someone that needs no certification requirement. There isn't any university that offers degrees on such things. If there is, then it is BS. And I don't mean Bachelor of Science, either. So it became immediately clear to me that the big question is: who can be trusted? Is the information reliable? Where can one go to find authentic information on the subject? Because in this realm, if one steps in the wrong direction, then all the following steps will lead you further away. Many can spend most of their lives believing in something that will not help them in their growth of consciousness. One can spend much time in believing nonsense. So this is the biggest thing for many - who can be trusted?
For me, there never was a desire or a "need" to find a spritual Master. It was purely incidental that I came across this man called Osho. I came across one of his books purely by accident. At the time I was looking for a book to read to take my mind off a troubled relationship. I found a book called the Book of Secrets. Attracted to the title, I opened it in the middle and read a paragraph. A paragraph was enough for me to want to read more. After buying it, I took it home and read the introduction. It turned out to be a book on 112 methods of meditation. As I read it, more and more, I felt that this guy was not just talking about meditation. It was coming out of his actual experience with it. As I kept reading through the different methods that were discussed, I would try these as I went. Two weeks later I fell into the gap between words.
So, to me, this man was authentic, and not operating under a pretense. The information that is contained in his books is a rarity. It is quite valuable for those that are genuinely in search to sort things out. There was never a "need" for a guru. His books can be of great help to those that have an open mind. And, is NOT intended for those that are closed, who have never intent to look at his books, who have never seen this man in the flesh, who like to pre-judge others and have already pre-concluded from reading what others have said - books, articles and blogs that generate interest out of concocting a controversy. And you don't have to worry because your comfort zone will alway be protected by your keeping doors closed. And that is what a belief system does - it keeps doors closed.
I am posting on this guy because I see it as very valuable information. It is suggested reading. If you don't agree, then just ignore it and move on. Is that so hard to do? Apparently it must be.