Re: Moderator?
oh come on High on water, you know people have been banned from the
Iodine forum because they said seaweed (which has
Iodine in it) was better than lugols. you've been around longer than me, and I know that even. And that is fine with me. The seaweed people can have their own forum. I got banned from the
Iodine forum for having a talk with vulcanel about his half naked pictures of women on his avatar and I was taking
Lugols at the time, so I know what you are saying aint true. :)
I'm not saying Trapper isn't a christian. I don't think Doc is saying that. God knows who are His or not His.
Doc posted the other day, and you may very well have not seen this, but she posted the beliefs that this forum was based on. Trapper has come in saying these beliefs are crap basically, from what I'm getting from his posts.
I wasn't going to be a big stickler on who was here or not, but then I realized doc and refreshed preferred it to not turn into a debate forum, and I now agree with that.
But maybe the name should be changed, I don't know. I didn't name it. But the beliefs stated for this forum are the universal christian beliefs from all I know, and I don't see a problem with having a private forum based on those beliefs and booting out anyone that doesn't like those universal christian beliefs.