Tailbone pain caused by Mirena?
Has anyone experienced undiagnosed tailbone pain with Mirena? I had a Mirena in place for 12 months exactly, and had suffered no other symtoms from it during that time (apart from inital cramping for the first 2 weeks).
However, I have had unrelenting tailbone pain with no determinable cause for 5 1/2 months now. Have tried every kind of treatment I can think of, to no effect - Physio, Chiropractic, Kinesioloy, Bowen Therapy, Cortizone injections, etc. A CT scan revealed nothing abnormal. My Kinesiologist suggested to me that perhaps it was the hormone in my Mirena causing the pain, so I had it taken out a month ago as a trial. The pain has not diminished in the least, but my Kinesiologist said that it could take up to 6 months for the hormone to clear out of my system.
The thing is, that I had Mirena inserted to help with dangerously heavy bleeding - which it did - and now of course, the flooding has returned. Which puts me between a rock and a hard place. Is the pain likely to subside if I hold out for another 5 months, or do I have a new Mirena inserted to cope with the flooding. Has anyone else had any expereince with this?