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Trouble with Chinese Herbal Stores
  Views: 1,571
Published: 20 y

Trouble with Chinese Herbal Stores

Hi -- I have gone to several different Chinese Herb stores in the USA which appear to be run by first generation Chinese proprietors. They will barely even acknowledge my presence and when I ask about particular herbs like gold coin grass (I bring the common name, the chinese name, and the botanical name with me) they just shrug and say they don't know.

I am not of Asian descent. I get the very strong feeling that they don't serve "my kind" in their shops, from their looks at each other and the fact that they will barely acknowledge me when I come in, and that it has happened in several different places the same way.

I have been lucky enough to not experience much racial discrimination in my life, so I'm a bit perplexed and frustrated by this.

Any thoughts? Other ideas on how I can get these herbs? I wanted to get them fresh but seems impossible.


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