"Perhaps someday he'll opine on how Iodine reverses bromide's effects, and the most efficacious way of administering it, the necessary companion nutrients, salt flushes, and the critical timing aspect of administering the various adjuvants. Of course, he'll need to do a bunch of reading to get to that point, or have someone educate him. If he has already and I've missed it, I apologize for the oversight."
Nope, you haven't missed anything. He still needs to be educated. He attempted to write an article on Iodine last fall and really missed the mark by perpetuating some of the misinformation about iodine. Despite many who added comments trying to educate people, those comments kept disappearing.
At least now he is citing Dr. Flechas so at least has become familiar with his work. I am hoping this is a step in the right direction.