I do not understand most of this stuff; I have no biology or Science education except maybe 8th grade level if even. I am a 64 year old grandmother and frankly all this stuff has me terrified. I just don't know what to do; is there a milder website where I won't lose my bearings just reading about this stuff.. I know it sound silly but I can't take it anymore. I have the disease, but no bad lesions. I am about 90% ok, but there's that other 10%. I can't get past it. Someone needs to compile all the facts and go on Dateline and/or before a Senate Committee. This was all done to us under the Bush administration, therefore maybe Obama won't mind exposing it. God help us all. Oh my God, I am so scared: Please help us Dear Lord. Knowing that there are people evil enough to do this to us; I forgive them; I want them stopped and to realize what they've done; and I want them exposed to the world.
Sorry if this sounds crazy.. I need to find some peace here, it's making me too nervous, I don't know about you guys.