15 y
Re: thats not what jesus said
RC Sproul stated it brilliantly. Thanks for posting that.
I think many people come from a church background where legalism is beat into their heads, which keeps them in a state of constant guilt and the inevitable sin that follows.
When we accept His free gift of grace, through faith, we repent and turn from the practice of a sinful life. We are freed from the power that sin holds over us. We are no longer compelled to sin, and the Holy Spirit changes us from glory to glory. Regeneration occurs as we surrender to the Holy Spirit and we move towards perfection. But,none of us attains perfection in this fallen world, we all fall short.
That doesn't mean sin is without consequences. Sin will disturb our fellowship with God until we repent, just like when our children disobey it can create a temporary distance. But, the relationship remains the same, they are and always will be our children whom we love.
There are also natural conseqences for sin that we can experience. There are also rewards in Heaven, and they differ according to our actions.
But, none of that takes away from the fact that Jesus was the perfect and Holy sacrifice, The Father's Son, whom He loved. Yet, God loved us so much that He willingly sent Jesus to the cross. And our Lord was obedient unto death.
He is more than enough. He lives in my heart for eternity and one day I will see Him face to face. What a wonderful and precious gift.