I am sorry to hear of the issue with the young man. It does take time for belief systems to change. When I started fasting years ago I did not know which voice to believe. That is why I failed. I was not convinced in my own mind that I was doing the right thing. I read testimonies and even some good books, but there were so many people in my life telling me they were wrong and ignorant that I became very confused. So Chris, I kind of have an idea where that young man is coming from even though he is wrong. Hopefully, one day he will get it before it is too late. The fact that he agreed to some things that you have advised is a good sign. I think some of us have to go through the confusion before we finally get to the point where we can believe the truth. The more I have educated myself the more convinced I have become and the fears have decrease drastically. He is just scared. Hopefully, he will come to truth soon.