well went to the new chiro today for a thorough exam..with x-rays ... found out my c6 and c7 vertabre are degenerative..my atlas is out and my neck is actually sitting a little over to one side ..my left arm will not work correctly at all .and kinda lags down limp compared to the other one.. also said that my lymphnodes were slighty enlarged and he asked me if I were sick and I said well I had a sinus issue right now but other than that no..he said that would definately cause it .
multiple bone spurs starting tooo..therapy which will involve traction , ultrasound , and adjustments will total about $2000.oo for 18 visits ...but if I dont get something done about it it is just gonna get worse so they say and with the pain and numbness I got now I really dont think I could stand it getting worse at this point .
just another reason I should be doing a juice/cleansing fast I assume huh? but will it regenerate a disc ?? that seems to me would take months to do right? I remember reading up on that one time ..maybe on one of Unys post from schulze ..