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Re: AVC Bomb
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Re: AVC Bomb

Hi, Greetings Lahrok :)

I have what I suspect to be a liver fluke problem. Just so you know, I have scanned through most of your past posts to give me more information so that I can attempt to be as complete and helpful as possible.   I think "a liver fluke problem" is a sizable understatement...from what I can tell (from a quick overview) it seems that you have what most would consider a "full" parasite issue (and you may have had it since your preteens); you likely are dealing with candida overgrowth issue (or were), and likely fairly substantial liver/other damage from the flukes & other bugs.   This would account for a goodly variety of blood and 'other system' imbalances that are likely responsible for the myriad of symptoms with which you've been dealing.  'Tis my opinion that you're going to need to do a lot more than what you've listed below to make a substantial dent in your symptoms, as I think your body has undergone some fairly substantial damage and it needs some substantial assistance to be restored.  As is my common m.o., I'll be offering more suggestions below (even though you didn't ask for them); one of the main reasons I opened this forum is because of the extreme 'depth of deceipt' the Posers That Be have implanted into the world of "alternative medicine" - one of the most insidious is the belief that we can heal ourself one 'system or symptom at a time' (and that we can do it using substances that are unnatural to our natural bodies...including nutrients isolated away from their natural co-factors & phytochemicals, colloidal metals and other 'natural substances that aren't'). 


The good news?  With your intelligence & tenacity, there's no doubt in my mind that you can completely restore & heal your body (and of course, get rid of the parasites).  If you're unfamiliar with the works of Dr. Christopher & Dr. Schulze (and Gerson), and you're willing to undertake a bit more study so you can get your head around the basic concept & protocol of their full body/system "Incurables Program"...then you can heal yourself totally, and live out the rest of your life in control of your body & health.   Perhaps when I have more energy later I will make a more comprehensive post on this but for now I just want to ask:  I'll be happy to read it an assist you in any way I can - like I mention I did scan through your past posts & history, and did read this (and other 'full reports') quite thoroughly:  Onward to your specific questions...

Would buying the powdered cayenne there suffice for the AVC bomb or do I need to use raw cayenne from the store? If I bought a pound of powdered cayenne from there, how much would a dose be for an AVC Bomb? 1 Tablespoon? Should I encapsulate it or something first? I haven't experimented with cayenne before and I don't want to burn my mouth off lol! Is that enough heat units?  I understand about not wanting to 'burn your mouth off', but we all have experienced that (and the inevitable 'ring sting' as well), but we quickly build up a tolerance.  Your link takes me to the "C" page of Mountain Rose, which has a listing for Cayenne (35,000 HU) and a listing for Chili, Bird's Eye (100,000 HU).  The one you want/need is the Bird's Eye - actually that's the absolute minimum HU that is 'top notch therapeutic'.  I have a "Cayenne" blend (3/4 Bird's Eye and 1/4 Habanero - which is 250,000 HU) in our Strorefront which is better...but you can certainly make do with the 100,000 HU.  You can get the organic Habanero at Starwest Botanicals if you want to blend your own.

Here's a link/post that explains how you start using the "good stuff" (basically you start at 1/8 teaspoon per dose and work up to 1 teaspoon per dose (check your PM Inbox for more information on "Cayenne"): Pepper Primer :) Re: Need Tips on Getting Hot Stuff In

I haven't worked out the finer details yet but this is my general plan... is this a good protocolThat depends upon if your goal is to kill the parasites 'for a time', or if you're interested in healing & restoring your body to vibrant health.   I'll comment on each, and then compile more 'healing thoughts' at the end.

1. Fruit/vegetable diet as outlined in barefoot's Book 1  My apologies, I have not yet read "Book 1".  I had an extremely difficult time wading through the information that conflicts with Schulze/Gerson/Christopher in "108", along with (what I know to be) erroneous advice, so I never read anything further.   If OJ fasting is something you're considering, I recommend against it highly (it's far too unbalanced nutritionally for anyone that is compromised).  However an extended balanced juice fast is superb! 
JUICE-FASTING: The POWERFUL healing therapy!  Afterwards (or between juice-fasting rounds, and then for the rest of my life), I'd do my best to stick to Dr. Christopher's "Mucusless Diet" (yes, that's the way he spelled "mucous", at least for the name of his fantastically healing diet)

If you opt for juice-fasting, the type of juicer you utilize makes a world of difference (both in the quality of your juices, hence the speed & efficacy of your healing...AND in the cost of the produce).  The 'worthy' juicers produce MUCH more juice from much LESS produce.  You can easily recoup the cost of the juicer in just one or two months via the savings on produce.  Here's information: (the new Omega Vert is not included in that document - it is also a good juicer and much easier to use, but also more expensive.  Right now the best price on the Vert I have found is on eBay)

2. Taking multiple dewormers, Unyworm/Humaworm/Barefoot's  Hmmm, well there's nothing like being aggressive, that's for sure - I'm a huge proponent of being agressive naturally.  On the other hand, parasite killing herbs all have one thing in common - they kill "life" - and our body & health is symbiotically dependent upon the microbiota in our intestinal tract & bloodstream (and this is HIGHLY overlooked and disregarding in parasite cleansing).  The Unyworm is a combination of dry/ground herbs (to be mixed with the IF#2, or part of the daily dose could be made into a tea), and the fluid is water, alcohol, acv, glycerine base (we soaked the herbs in distilled water, alcohol & acv, then simmered them for days, then cooked them down to 1/4 of the original volume, then matched that with glycerine).  I wouldn't add anything to that combo until I'd used it for at least a week to determine how I felt, the level of die-off, and had a chance to confer with my 'doctor within'.   And I highly recommend adding a totally natural form of microbiota (water kefir and fermented produce and/or the juice thereof)

3. Eating 4+ cloves of raw garlic a day  GREAT!  Might as well make it two at a time in each ACV Bomb...for a total of six a day :::grin:::

4. Clark Liver flush once a week  That's far & away the most "popular" liver flush, and if you're comfortable with using the Epsom Salts (ES), then "flush on".  But there's no need to add the stress to your body that the ES adds...(ES throws off your electrolyte balance off, sometimes fairly drastically; it turns brain-fog into a brain-tsunami for me...and it can be very stressful on the kidneys and lower bp)...IF you "prep your liver" adequately and have your CE 'at the ready' (which I suggest you do after every flush anyway).  What I recommend is based on Dr. Schulzes clinical work...a five day liver cleanse , followed on the 6th day with a regular liver flush (of your choice).  Of course, I'm fond of Dr. Schulzes (a full chapter of fantastic information):

There are MANY solid reasons for the 5 day cleanse:

--anytime you can prep/prepare the liver for a flush, the flush will be more effective.  Doing these morning drinks (especially if using apple juice as the base), ensures a much more productive flush.

--the Liver/GB/Parasite tincture (which isn't actually extremely effective against parasites, but will 'show them up' for those that don't believe they have them), is a fantastic "liver assist" to the entire process.  It's weighted heavily on Milk Thistle (the bomb for repairing and strengthening/healing the liver) with a variety of extremely bitter herbs (this triggers bile production every time it's taken - I suggest keeping it with you and putting a few drops on your tongue every few hours, as well as the regular dosage).  I use it regularly before CE's (it makes a HUGE difference in the 'bile flow sounds' I hear in the stethescope). 

The Liver Detox Tea (besides being very tasty) is based on an ancient Indian digestive remedy, and helps soothe the digestive tract as it's stressing (and providing ample "urps & burps") from the stale/toxic bile as the liver decongests.  I mean really, why make this any more unpleasant than we have to?  This stuff rocks!

5. Coffee Enemas every few days  Everyday is what I recommend (everyone doing the Gerson protocol did at least 4 per day), and twice on the day after a liver flush (once after your first bm, and then again in late afternoon or evening).  This is FAR more effective (and far less stressful) than those last two draining Epsom Salts dosages.  One of the most overlooked qualities of CE's is this:  the entire bloodstream flows through the liver every three minutes.  For the entire time the CE is retained (and the 'coffee chemicals' are taken to the liver via the hepatic artery), the liver is transformed into a 'free radical dialysis machine' and super-charged detoxication engine (we're talking something like a 500-800% increase in the GST action and glutathion itself).  This is why we feel SO energized (and so much better overall) after a CE.  Our blood was just "ultra cleansed" 5-7 times!   And when one is dealing with parasite emissions AND die-off chemicals?  Oh yeah, "CE" is how you spell 'relief' :)  Don't cheat yourself, order 5 pounds (which is just about enough for 1 CE a day for 2 months)
S.A. Wilson's Enema coffee for coffee enemas

6. Dr Christopher's LBB or Schulze's IF.  Yes!  Enough to ensure 3-5 bowel movement daily (which is what is normal & healthy).

Am I missing anything big here?  Most importantly, doing a consistent deep colon cleanser that also is an intestinal healer AND adsorbs the myriads of toxins being released in your colon and from your bloodstream.  This is IMPERATIVE to a successful parasite cleanse (I don't find it the least bit strange that those making their living selling 'parasite herbs' don't "know" or recommend this).  Typically, I recommend IF#2 for starters, but since you've already handled the heavy P&B shakes, and since your liver seems to be so compromised (and I saw no mention of EVER doing a kidney cleanse), I highly recommend the IF#2 Ultra (our "upgraded" version of Dr. Schulzes IF#2 that has twice the amount of benonite clay and activated charcoal).  From this post, here's why it's IMPERATIVE to do a deep cleanse while attempting to eradicate parasites:

 Doing a parasite cleanse without doing a simultaneous DEEP colon cleanse...not like colonics, or oxypowders, or weeny lil', ineffective "5 days a major waste of time & money!  Everybody that hasn't done a thorough, deep colon cleanse (and regular maintenance cleanses) has a thick layer of putrid, rotting/degrading, rubbery build-up (commonly referred to as "mucoid plaque") throughout their colons.  And this is the MAIN feeding, breeding and hiding place of parasites.  If you take parasite herbs without disturbing and cleansing out this layer of junk, the parasites will just burrow into it to get away from the parasite herbs.  Oh yeah, you'll kill some, but you'll likely never get to the root of the problem without doing a deep cleanse at the same time.

For this cleansing/healing regime, I suggest IF#2 (and IF#1 if you're not already having 3-5 healthy/normal bms daily), and a liquid and dry/ground herbal blend we make/offer called Unyworm.  All these are available in our Storefront :)  Here's an overview of the ingredients, and how the IF#1 & IF#2 work:

Here are the instructions for utilizing Unyworm effectively:

You will be taking the IF#2 five times daily.  You will be wanting to take (maximum strength) 1 teaspoon of the ground/dry herbs 3x daily.  So in 3 of the 5 doses of IF#2 (the deep colon cleanser), you would add 1 teaspoon of the ground/dry herbs.  That's how you use the dry/ground herbs.

For the Unyworm liquid, in order it to be MOST effective, it needs to have your own Cayenne powder and fresh/raw garlic and raw/organic apple cider vinegar added (ACV = apple cider vinegar).  We call this the "Apple Cider Vinegar Bomb".   You'll be doing this 3x daily.  To make the "ACV Bomb":

1 tablespoon of raw organic ACV; 1 tablespoon of organic blackstrap molasses (or raw local honey); one dose of cayenne top-grade therapeutic cayenne powder (the goal is one teaspoon, but you'll start at 1/8 teaspoon per dose and work up from there); 1-2 cloves of raw garlic (minced), and one teaspoon of Unyworm liquid.  Do this three times daily (on an empty stomach before meals is most effective).  By the way, Dr. Christopher's standard/healthy daily diet includes all of the above without the parasite herbs - so this is something we ALL should be doing daily anyway (ACV, cayenne, garlic, blackstrap/honey.

Yes, there ARE easier "parasite programs", but it's HIGHLY doubtable that any could ever be as effective as this!

Also, I'd like to point out that a few random weeks on P&B shakes doesn't even come CLOSE to being a thorough or complete colon cleanse.  At the minimum, one needs to do a full 30 days, and maintenance cleanses of 5-10 days each at least 4x yearly.  There are at least 2 people on the forum that have been cleansing for well over a month, and are still getting out MAJOR quanities of deeply imbedded plaque and candida (and other critters).   I realize you're full aware of the various tricks & strategies of the Posers That Be, but I'm not aware if you realize how they apply to "alternative medicine"....and of course, how the 'greed factor' factors in.  Any seller of any "nutriceutical" that has an effective product, uses top quality herbs and explains completely what you need to do to heal yourself, goes out of business.  Allopathic medicine isn't the only 'sickness industry', and sadly, that applies to the majority of people offering advice and selling on CZ as well (either their egos get paid or their bank accounts).  And of course, any truly effective 'natural healer' has to deal with very real persecution from the successfully healing people just doesn't pay.  :::sigh:::

Other things I feel you may have overlooked for a "short run" fix:

--Nightly castor oil packs

--Ample water daily (a gallon a day is good for most adults)

--SUPERFOOD!  When our bodies can't even enough energy daily to sustain 'normal activity', we certainly can't expect them to have the energy necessary to do healing & restoration work, eh?  FUEL, we need top-quality, easily assimilated pure nutrition, and that's Superfood!  SuperFood by Dr. Schulze For normal daily usage, the dosage is 2T, for healing it's 4-6 T (I take 4T daily as a general rule)...and I always add 2T of ground Milk Thistle seed powder.

--Milk Thistle Seed powder - it's fairly certain your liver has undergone a serious amount of damage from the flukes, and amongst it's myriad of attributes, milk thistle actually encourage cell/tissue growth in the liver.  For all herbs (particularly this one) it's VERY important you don't use an isolate or standardized extract: Isolated/Standardized Extracts of plants & herbs  I recommend (for you) 3-5T daily.

--And of course, the "don't list" (because we HAVE to stop doing & ingesting what compromises our body before we can ever start healing successfully) - no: white sugar, white flour, white salt (actually no salt of any kind is preferable); no coffee/tea (or any type of caffeine).  If it ever had a face on it (or came from something that had a face on it), don't eat it...and of course, everything should be as chemical/pesticide free as absolutely possible.

Oh yes, one last thing...brain fog & depression.  I see you've mentioned the brain fog and I can't imagine that with all you've been through you're not dealing with some level of depression.  For these two things I highly recommend Dr. Schulzes Brain Formula (brain fog, memory, oxygen to the brain, and St. John's Wort (which is also very beneficial for the nerves, muscles).  If you haven't ever tried a top-quality St. John's Wort, you'll be amazed at the difference it makes emotionally (and on your 'outlook')...and I see a difference in clarity and memory after just a few days of taking the Brain Formula.


Lahrok, I don't know if you know what the Incurables Program (IP) is or not, but I recommend you do some searching and reading around the forum, and give it some serious consideration.  Once our body has incurred the amount of damage it seems yours has, it's highly unlikely one can restore all the various damage (to ameliorate the syptoms), without a full body healing program.  Far too many people/advisors make the same mistakes as allopathic medicine by treating just the symptoms or one system of the body.  But (for example) when the liver has been burdened & stressed for years, the kidneys have been working on hyperdrive to pick up the slack.  When the kidneys are stressed, circulation is negatively impacted; when circulation is negatively impacted, the heart is compromised and overworking, when the heart is weakened, the circulation is even more adversely affected, and that effects the flow of blood & oxygen throughout the body and brain...bottom line - the "head bone IS connected to the toe bone"...and all parts inbetween.  Healing doesn't have to take years and years IF one ensures that every system of the body is unclogged, uncompromised and working to capacity all at the same time (and we give it the nutrition and herbal assistance it needs to restore itself).

Many times, attempting to do repair the body "one system at a time" works AGAINST us in many ways (from here: )

Doing one cleanse at a time, can many times work against us.  Think of it like restoring an automobile that's been driven hard & fast for 30 years without much (any!) regular maintenance...and really (REALLY!) cheap fuel - many times 'fuel' that was definitely not even designed for the car!   The exhaust is clogged, the fuel lines are filthy, the oil/filter needs changed (desperately), the carburetor needs calibrated and cleaned, sparks & plugs changed & gapped, alternator fixed/adjusted; transmission rebuilt (or at least overhauled);  suspension aligned; new tires needed, brake pads replaced., etc.  If you cleanse the exhaust & fuel lines (similar to the colon & parasite) before cleansing the oil/filter and carb (liver & parasites), you end up filthy fuel lines and clogged exhaust before you ever get the carb/oil/filter work.  But if you do the oil/filter/carb before you cleanse the fuel lines and get the gunk out of the exhaust and deal the points & plugs, the plugs'll be corroded again before you know it.  New tires & brake pads before an alignment? A waste of new tires/brake pads.  If the alternater is 'shorting or weak' that stresses all the system parts....the electrical flow through the engine is no different than the electrical flow through the body.   Change to high-grade fuel before cleansing and restoring the damage from the cheap fuel?  :::sigh::: That can end up being a waste of fuel (too rich for the compromised system to handle).   The human body is no different.  It's always much more effective to 'put it up on blocks' and do a full body cleanse/restore, than it is to do it one at a time.  Yep, it's more work, but it's FAR more effective (and you'll get MUCH more life out of the car by doing it that way).  Remember: in this toxic/poisoned world, our bodies are like high-performance automobiles CONSTANTLY in overdrive (generally running on VERY low grade fuel with extremely little maintenance).  There's no truly safe/healthy protocol (maintenance) we can do, that's as extreme as the totally unnatural conditions we live in.  And it's only MDs and "alternative practicioners" that believe we can deal with one system of the body at a time.  EVERY system/organ in the body depends upon every other.   (Perhaps those analogies weren't "mechanically/technically perfect", but I'm sure you get the idea).   In one of Dr. Schulzes interviews he talks about how many people say: "Well I did a colon cleanse; I did several liver flushes already; yeah, I juice fasted a few years ago; yes! I did hot/cold showers; I tried the vegan thing; I took herbs...none of it worked!"  And Dr. Schulze replies, "But did you ever do everything TOGETHER?".

The one thing that I know for sure (and my husband and I have dedicated our lives to sharing and teaching) is that the body IS capable of restoring itself fully from any disease.  In the words of Dr. Christopher, "There is NO SUCH THING as an incurable disease!  But there are incurable people...and those whose time has come".  And he didn't just say, he proved did Dr. Schulze & Dr. Gerson.  And this why we focus on their protocols & successes.   The three magic words in natural healing are "enough, Enough, ENOUGH!" -- make sure the products you're using are pure & effective enough; make sure you're taking enough; and make sure you know enough to DO ENOUGH!    If you do that, you CAN heal yourself completely!!

If I offered 'too much information', please accept my apology - if there's any further information I can offer, please let me know :)

Healthiest of blessings,






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