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Old school candida fighters, is war ever going to be over.
shroom Views: 1,766
Published: 15 y

Old school candida fighters, is war ever going to be over.

Just kidding of course! But if you guys were seeing what I am, candida would be the least on your mind.
I do realize though, that antifungal treatment direction is the best way to go with a lot of the parasites and microscopic diseases. Hard to explain why. Many people wonder where the emphasis should be placed as far as fungus verses parasites.
As for all things infective, the diet and antifungal direction should be a main focus.
But, in some cases, Antibiotics should not be entirely ruled out [I say this because it could save some people a huge amount of time] If you think about an abscess tooth, Antibiotics could end up saving your jaw from being amputated.
But, it is a double-edge sword, and everything should be examined very carefully before taking that route.

So my main point is, In don't think doing anifungal treatment is ever a waste of time, and will certainly be worth the sacrifice to find out if it has beneficial results.


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