ALA, Lipoic acids increases the symptoms from mercury while you take it, according to Cutler.
In Germany some doctors use about 600mg/day to stop diabetes neuropathy.
My experience is that Cilantro stirs things up quite a bit. 5 Years ago when I was half dead from mercury, gum infections etc it only took a few drops of cilantro to cause tinnitus. If I added DMSA the tinnitus went away. Is that proof that there was heavy metals in circulation? Maybe. I have used the Cutler protocol on and off since 2002. If I would use Cilantro I would use it together with something that binds heavy metals that get mobilized. Germanium probably works, it even decreases electrosensitivity. Not as strongly as DMSA though, but without the sideeffects. Maybe you dont experience things like headache, tinnitus and tiredness from microwaves but many do.