Yes, really
Regardless of how many choose to do the healthier things or not, what I proposed is nevertheless safer and more effective and would be a better choice for those who opt to do so. I agree that most people won't, but that does not nullify what I posted. And here at this website I rather imagine that a large percentage of the readers would opt for a safer natural route.
White willow bark, a natural plant, contains salicin which the body converst to salicylic acid to have the same benefits as aspirin without the stomach lining irritation and other side effects of chemically synthesized acetylsalicinic acid in aspirin. Aspirin side effects include aspirin stomach irritation, pain, nausea, or heartburn, hemorrhaging in the gastrointestinal and urinary tract, hives, excessive sweating, thirst, headache, and ringing in the ears.
So, most people can choose aspirin as they wish. I will choose nature and also choose to tell others when there are better natural alternatives as I did in my original post and as is my habit.
I pretty much agree with Trapper - iodine deficiency and vitamin D3 deficiency are likely responsible for a very large percentage of breast cancer, along with toxins, poor diet, lifestyle and immune system.