New IP'er...
In the next few days, we have a new IP'er coming. A friend is going tomorrow to set her up with a cz account and get her on this forum. She could use the love and support that this forum is well known for now. This woman is on the IP, by herself without knowing that our forum exists. She's been on Schulze's protocol, workin it hard to heal herself from Breast Cancer. I know that finding folks that know what
coffee enemas are (she's on them), cold sheet treatments (she's been doin' em), liver flushing, kidney/calcium flushing and the like are all about.
What a wealth of support and cheerleading for her to come to having done a cycle of IP cleansing. I'm thrilled to have found another woman, here in my town, my age, that's on the IP.
I just know that ya'll will have boundless support and love for her. I have tears in my eyes as I type this - knowing how wealthy I am for all the support you all have given me and that you'll extend the same excitement and unconditional support for her.
Thank you all from the bottom of my liver-flushing heart for being there and being so positive and solid during this process. You all are angels, ya know. :)