Re: Dark circles under eyes
I would also suggest detox in two steps:
1. step to remove microroganism biofilms
It is not enough to fast, to include proiotics
you have to reach the point where pathogenic microorganism
biofilm is detached from the walls ( epithelium ) and
from the walls in urogenital tract.
Your immune system seems to be strong but the walls
are still loaded with less activaed microrognisms
2. second step detoxification
2.1 detox of kidney
2.2 detox of colon and gallbladder
During all the time you should reconsider your water.
If possible try to use some water from the clean sources.
Do not use water from public system just for some time - during detox ( only for cooking ).
Do not use metal dishes and eating spoons, forks...
Use ceramic and plastic...
In second step use fastings with raw vegetable juices.
In first step use chelating agents like lactic acid
( residue from vegetable fermentation ).
For food use only raw or fermented food.
Cooking only 20 to 30% in grains that has no gluten ( quinoa, amaranth ). And even that grain supposed to be sprouted. Other food for energy ( nut milk ) but on that day at the evening green juice on empty stomach.
Avoid fruits. Only in smoothies combination with green vegetable.