i just had my primary dr. do silicone level testing in my blood work. it came out very very high in my blood. i urge everyone to get tested only because silicone takes years to get out of the body sometimes permanent. i am post mirena two weeks and i did test four days ago and it came out to be .39
(the normal amount in a person should be .05).(anything over .10 is abnormal)
so drs lied to us when they said mirena does not enter our blood stream. and that is why our symptoms take time to go away. but there not as bad as when we had the mirena in. Silicone is deadly at any level. please get tested even if you had mirena out for long time. silicone does not clear over months or years.
that right there is proof it is extremly harmful
also google side effects to silicone and they are very similar to what we had.
thank you
jessica bonner
i might as well go be a dr. since i know what to test my self for better than the silly drs. who thought we were the crazy ones!!!