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Probable Jawbone Infection
JWangSDC Views: 18,248
Published: 15 y

Probable Jawbone Infection

Quick Summary: I had my wisdom teeth removed and the right side was in excruciating pain for 8 days before the wound was manually squeezed and suctioned/irrigated due to obvious infection. I am on Clindamycin for a week (on day 4 now) and it has helped tremendously but there's still a hard swelling in my jaw that has barely gone down. I take a ton of probiotics and haven't had any negative reaction from the clindamycin yet, but I'm worried the Antibiotic won't cure the infection. I hear horror stories about Jaw bone infections and I also have Colloidal Silver and olive leaf extract which I'm taking. I have ozonated olive oil and will begin pulling soon but does anyone else have any other advice? I'm 25 years old and was about 20 weeks into a candida cleansing diet (14 weeks of which was The McCombs plan).

On Thursday Jan 14th I had 3 wisdom teeth extracted. My upper right, and both lower were extracted. They were all impacted and under the gum, the bottom were both coming in at about a 45 degree angle and has partially erupted.

I was prescribed amoxicillin and vicodin. By Day 3 post Op my right side had swollen up to about it's peak, but by Day 4 there was no improvement. I scheduled an appointment with the surgeon on 1/18 and he just opened my mouth and told me "A little pain is very normal, it was a very badly impacted tooth". I felt stupid but was reassured. I hadn't been able to sleep in 3 days because of the pain and had a slight fever.

Day 5,6 and 7 the swelling remained the same and the pain got worse. Sometimes it would become so excruciatingly bad that I would just have to sit up in bed. I was sweating so much during my sleep that my bed would become somewhat soaked.

Finally on Day 8 my normal post op appointment arrived and I told the surgeon of my issues. He said it looks like a "baby infection" but the problem is I can barely open my jaw now. The range of motion has decreased tremendously. He asked me to force my jaw open (which was excruciatingly painful) and then he proceeded to squeeze the infected area like a pimple (worst pain of my life). He then took another panoramic X-ray which showed the wound completely unhealed (A good thing? infection is out int he open). Then he squeezed it out several more time and suctioned out the puss. I believe he irrigated with Chlorohexidine Gluconate (I've tasted perioguard many times).

My surgeon is extremely abrasive and unhelpful but I don't think he's negligent. My biggest complaint is that he made me feel like I was wasting his time and a baby for complaining about the pain on post op day 4, when I believe it should have been clear at that point that I had an infection. I have been prescribed Clindamycin 300mg for 7 days and began that yesterday taking 4 pills (3 per day, a double dose on the first time).

Immediately following the squeezing out of the pus, I felt better. THe pain was bad but it felt like good pain, the overall terrible feeling in my body had disappeared. I slept well last night and although I sweat a lot and had a fever it was much less than the night before.

On Saturday (Post op day 9), I saw him today and took vicodin 30 minutes before. He did the same procedure and had a jar called "Dry Socket Paste". He irrigated the area with what I believe is Perioguard and then suctioned it off and squeezed it (it hurt badly, but wasn't as bad as the day before) and said there was no puss coming from the area. I told him there is basically a huge lump on my jaw and I can't open my mouth, while I feel infinitely better today than I did yesterday, these main symptoms have not really got any better. He said it will take 1-2 weeks before I can open my mouth without pain again.

At this point I"m feeling a little better about it all but I am still not totally sold. I have another appointment on monday with him and I'm assuming he's just going to do the same thing and possibly treat for dry socket (he didn't use the paste this time). It sounded to me like the infection is supposed to heal within 3-4 days from yesterday and then I'll just be dealing with dry socket. So I'm still wondering

Do I need to be more concerned? I'm on clindamycin 500mg 3X a day for 7 days, is that strong enough to cure my infection? My jaw is pretty swollen and I fear it might need to be drained manually. The doctor did take a panoramic X-ray and he said it looked fine (doesn't mean much, but to me it means there's evidence of what he's examining so he would be afraid to not be somewhat conservative).

Is there a protocol I should follow? I have been rinsing with salt water and brushing after every meal but there is still plaque buildup behind my second molars and for the love of god I simply cannot get to it. It hurts pretty badly just to be able to brush the tops of those molars, I honestly feel like my jaw would snap or burst open if I were to open it wide enough to brush the back. (I'm not even sure I could if my life depended on it, I probably could).

Now I have two questions I'm praying you can help me with. One, I don't trust my surgeon, what should I do? There are 3 partners at his office and he is the youngest, should I attempt to switch? I would like as little hassle as possible but this surgeon just instills fear in me and is borderline innappropriate/negligent at times in my opinion. I think the nurses know he's very abrasive becuase the looks on their faces when he treats me the way he does, plus when he was squeezing out my pus the nurse asked if he should use clean instruments after the first manual drainage and he just ignored her. Should I just switch surgeons all together?


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