you ask really good questions.
hey, my mind asks questions about current events. i don't pre-plan to shock, i just have a way of asking what each and every person reading this thinks in their mind when yet another bankroll heads out on the next plane. if i said to you that "whatever the cost, we must rebuild haiti." would that make me a better person? how about we rebuild iraq? we're doing that. how about we rebuild afghanistan? i ask the question. i repeat that a christian can ask hard, tough, nuclear reactive questions. maybe not judging by the reaction here. i shouldn't have to state the obvious that no one wants a single haitian to die. money, and how it is spent, is just a part of life that you or anyone else posting here cannot run from. you can't separate...take everything in and see where it leads. go to the archives, i bring it all into the fold, not just financial concern. in your face and vivid as it is...i, a christian guy, can ask the question: does amerika have to be the financier of the world's tragedies? it is a legitimate, brutal, question to ponder. if the subject is too raw, avoid it. i'll understand. but after the stark emotion wears down somewhat, you might just ask the same question...