Re: Papaya
Second try. I am on a campground and use my AOL dial up service.
It is so annoying often they disconnect me.
Now I have to try to remember what I wrote in the 1st place.
I could not believe that you were Pita/Kapha. This is the 1st time that I thought of looking up a food for someone's problem.
It must have been what I call "mothers' intuition".
I don't know why the papaya is not good for you. I just checked the book. I would suggest to google Ayurvedic and find out about what to eat. I am also P/K. I never ate wheat and now I found out it is ok for me.
I had a consultation at
Andreas Moritz 's office 3 weeks ago. I could never figure out what I was and he did the pulse test.
I use his book (paper and e-book) The key to health and rejuvenation. And also Deepak Chopra Perfect Health.
Keep reading his forum daily, he often mentioned things that are not good for certain bodytypes, like Dr Schulze superfood,
Master-Cleanse cleaning, PB shakes.
We are all different !