I am reading Natural Cures "THEY" don't want you to know about by Kevin Trudeau and the 1st 3 chapters so far I agree 100% which is RARE for a new book, but Kevin Trudeau is a RARE MAN and maybe the smartest man I know of in current times.
IF MAN MAKES IT, DON"T EAT IT by Jack Lalane is his favorite quote in the book.
Trudeau is a genious in the Memory teaching field, he can teach anyone how to remember everything in a very short period, his tapes really do work, but he warns you, if your sick with acid, your brain is sick and even in his memory tapes (get them on info commercials) he tells you about 3-4 secrets to get a healthy brain.
Start with this one and "IF" you ever want to see a doctor the rest of your life, you missed something.