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Re: Avatar
MatrixMaven Views: 3,036
Published: 14 y
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Re: Avatar

"I am more surprised by those that call themselves 'spiritual' who spend so much time on the debate forums in name calling contests. I love the irony!!

"Oh, in THIS house I am spiritual, but elsewhere I allow myself to be non spiritual ... " does it go something like that?"

Well I am surprised again, Invincible.   I should not need to explain my behavior on the debate forums, because I know you know how the mirror works, because I have seen your posts about the topic.   When I am over there, a few of us attempt to have stimulating conversations about very interesting debate topics pertaining to God and Jesus.   We are met with ridiculous REACTIONS, "name-calling" and avoidance of the subject matter totally.   Soooooo......we hold a mirror up to them, to show the absurdity of their behavior.  Rather than reacting,  I respond in a very centered, conscious way, reflecting back.

"My partner tells me of a story of a regular church goer, who would be full of reverence with his priest and while in his 'Father's House' ... he would help clean the church, be there early every Sunday and the last to leave ... then he would go straight to the pub, get drunk and go beat up on his wife."

Interesting comparison.   So you are comparing the mirror work we are doing with getting drunk and beating up the wife?   Wow.

"We are all of spirit .... or does 'spiritual' to you mean we have to obey certain rules/codes? If so, what are they? I would like to know."

Ok then.   So if you do not have to obey certain rules,  does that pertain to me too, while posting in the debate forum?

"I was being honest more than sarcastic.

Now I'm being sarcastic :-)"

Re-read your post to IC.   My intuition tells me there was anger and sarcasm in your words, rather than honesty.  I'll post it here to refresh your memory.

"You can justify your code as much as you like. But code is code is code is code.

Resonance with a hurricane is code.

Oh, did I tell you? Code is code :-) Top secret. Don't tell anyone. Not many know."



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