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Yoga, Detox, and Depression
SeattleTom Views: 4,619
Published: 15 y

Yoga, Detox, and Depression

Hi everyone - I'm recovering from adrenal fatigue and iron deficiency. I've been detoxing for almost 15 years, and have done several colonics. I took milk thistle and dandelion for many years, and it caused my liver to dump a lot of old toxins ongoing. I did a kidney flush and Liver Flush a year ago.

I took a yoga class three days ago, and have been feeling fatigued and depressed ever since. It triggered some detox symptoms, which often happens when I take yoga class. Someone on CZ advised me to stop taking yoga classes for now, do more Liver Flushes and other cleansing, then resume them when I'm cleaner on the inside. Anyone have any advice for me on this idea? Thanks.



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