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It's good to hear you talking about Jesus!!
Surfer27 Views: 5,328
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It's good to hear you talking about Jesus!!

Hi there LivingForHealth,
It's me, Surfer27 here. I just thought, I'd send you this text and say, "it's good to hear, that you are saying that Jesus can heal us, but what if, you have been a Christian like me, for over 21 yrs and you have been praying about this situation and Jesus isn't answering, then what? That's where I feel like I am at!!! I have been a Christian for 21 yrs and accepted Christ into my life, when I was just a little boy at 6 yrs of age. I am 27yrs old now, soon to be 28 and I really wish, that I knew what Christ was trying to do in my life, because I am at the point of desperation here, with this problem!! Oh by the way, are you a female or male that, I am talking to? I just wanted to find out, since you now know what sex I am. Lol. Anyways, just wanted to send this your way, to say, I am proud to hear someone like you, making a stand saying that Christ can heal your affliction. If I can ask, are you a Christian and have you made that decision, to ask Christ into your life as your Lord and Saviour? If you have, then I congradulate you!!! If not, then there's still time. Anyhow LivingForHealth, just wanted to send this posting your way. Take care and God bless.

In Christ,
Ryan Annunziello


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