Can´t forgive and forget
I had a friend, who changed her personality, 180 grades.She became in her opionion the "most positive" person she could be.She thinks that thought, can influence outcomes.
But I´m mad extremely mad with her and can´t forgive and forget.I know I´m not the most cherful person on earth(Anxiety and extremely sensitive)
Once, I told her that I had to parck my car next to a very conflictive guy´s car, doing all moments very carefully,thinking "This guy is capable of accusing me to damage his car" In fact he accused me and when I told her she said " He accused you because you thought , he would do it" (So, it was my fault)
Other time, I was angry with my Mom and when I expresed my anger she said " Hey thant´s enough, friend we all have many problems",. I didn´t get the hint and complained once again. I had no job and had a big fight with a close relative.
She told me "Hopefully, you could life my life philosophy, because, one is happier that way" (got shocked)
She gossiped about me because once I said" I don´t like to drive, alone when it´s dark" Just that, and she gossiped about me stating, I´m a very negative person.
My car is old, with frecuent mechanical problems and the 2 ways to get home are very isolated and dark.( But she doens´t see that)
Many years ago, she was severly depressed due a divorce. I drove a long distance to pick her, took care of her and her kids, for days and took her to the Dr. Also a few years, she also was depressed because an auneisma was found in her head. I tood with her. I even sacrifised my well being for her.( I assume that´s friendship for)
I´m agry at me, for being kind with her in times of need and for the way she treated me lately. I won´t do a thing for anyone that I´d regret when they badmouth me at my back.