Re: mh
I learned the best herbal knowlege from The school of natural healing ran by David Christopher, son of the late Dr. John R. Christopher. Their books are all available on line, I sell them, but you can probably get a special deal on the web.
The School of Natural healing book for $39.95 is huge hard back and the only herb book you will need to learn about to make herbal formulas. It tells all. Dr. Christopher's herbal formulas have been copied for many years by many compaines.
The de-wormer is a must and the lower bowel capsules, Olive Leves you can buy cheap and oregano oil must be purchased, these few herbs can just about do anything you would want. Dr. Christopher has about 63 famous formulas and they all work, but herbs alone has never been the answer.
I tell the answer in my free semiar paper, there you learn that there were doctors that cured evey disease known with no drugs, no knife, and no herbs and it works for all! It changed my life!
I use herbs because I spent so many years learning herbs, otherwise you can restore your body with out them. I prefer herbs to the enema, etc, so that is why I use them, but the facts remain, everything but the deworming can be done by obeying nature's ways, the MDs proved it many thousands of times.