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These things suck
waitn4betrdyz Views: 4,293
Published: 15 y

These things suck

The first time i had one of these cysts it got infected... and no joke over 3 days was the size of an orange. (most don't get infected). So i go to the emergency room. they slice in open and put in a word catheter. Second time, same thing... infected and swollen so quick i had to go to the er. they lanced in again, this time without any pain medicine. The third time, I went to the GYNO. i was scheduled for surgery the next day, but by time that came around, the cyst or abscess was so big, i was crying when i walked... and also walking like i was a gunslinger from the old west that had been on a horse for 3 days straight. I did some research. When you go to the hospital or er, they lance the cyst. Chances of it coming back are like 85 percent. Would have been nice to know. The gynecologist performed a marsupialization. (or however it's spelled). So the chances of it coming back are like 5 percent. Well i guess im in the 5 percent category, cause i have another one. And it's already swollen a lot since i made my gyno appointment earlier today, and tomorrow when i go in, i probably won't be able to walk. This is the 4th time for me.... i am 25 years old... all 4 occurrences have happened in the past 2 years. I'm am so emotional distraught. I don't understand what is going on... if someone could tell me what i am doing to cause these things, i will stop. Because i have never been in this much paid before and it doesn't feel like there is any light at the end of this tunnel.


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