Re: soluble fiber and leaky gut?
Hi Hunt,
I did try to deal with my leaky gut with insoluble fiber but it didn't do much because candida and
parasites were still hanging in there. A doctor told me that L-Glutamine increases candida so maybe you should stay away until you eliminate candida.
But I got great benefits and relief with aloe gel; what I do is buy a huge aloe plant and open the leaf up and scrape the gel from inside. I put this in a glass, maybe a bit of water ; lately, I was mixing CS with this. It is magical relief for burning digestive tract. It really works also to calm and clean the liver. Try and find the biggest aloe plant you can. In the end also, it is cheaper that way than the commercial ones.
This aloe gel is not at all like the brands you buy in health food stores, etc. These are all awful they contain
citric acid which would make my gut burn even more.
Aloe contains a lot of fiber; straight from the leaf, it also has a slightly bitter taste which is detoxifying and antifungal. Although I didn't experience personnally antifungal effects from it.