Avatar- I had hoped for more
"A particle on its own can be many things....it cannot affect anything with
large mass; however, if enough particles are together they can affect things
with mass." - Author Unknown
I do not watch television but I will rarely go to watch a movie. I went to see the
movie Avatar and while I felt strong feelings for the oppressed in the movie, it
ended with a predictable good guys getting angry enough to finally slaughter the
bad guys... I had just hoped for more... In the movie, mankind had ruined her
planet and then moved on to ruin another. There must be a solution to this
world's problems before we go on to other planets and still, I was disappointed
that the outcome made one more justification for war. I want to be a part of a
greater solution to what I see as the programming that makes me want to cheer
for good versus evil types of scenarios. I wish I were a peace virus that would
infect the world and the fallout would be the end of all wars... then end the
war between mankind and the living things... then end the war against mountains
and streams... and I know it will have to begin with me... and still... I do not
want my 5 year old to see Avatar... because I had hoped for more...