Re: Devised LC concoction for impaired sulfur oxidizer
The major cause of body odour is an incorrect balance of bacteria in the colon. You need to get the colon in good shape before liver-flushing unless you have biliary pain or gallstones.
Foods like onions, leeks, shallots, scallions, chives and garlic when digested can cause an odour on the skin because they contain a substance called allium.
The mucus is an indicator that your bowel is being irritated by the foodstuff, bacteria, fungus or lifestyle. You may even have constipation. Your urine should be flowing clear, not dark yellow or brownish.
It is recommended to do one 'cure' at a time rather than bombarding your body and concentrate on getting the bowels working well.
Bowel Cleanse with a wholesome diet, lifestyle changes, rhythmic exercise and plenty of good clean water.
Note: When searching the internet use both US and UK spelling of sulfur (sulphur)