Happy New Year.
I suffer from
Body Odor that smells of sulfur. I decided to follow another liver cleanse protocol (higher in sulfur) that included fresh garlic and ginger to lemon juice and 1 pink grapefruit. I began by drinking 3/4 cups of ES with fresh lemon juice at 6 and 8pm. After taking a hot bath in
Epsom Salts , I applied humaworm cream to my feet so that I could get better sleep with my zapper. At 9:30 I prepared a combination of 1 cup of
Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil to 1 med pink grapefruit and lemon, 1 tbsp fresh garlic and ginger all blended in my vitamix. It came out like pudding that I drank/ate by 10pm.
However after drinking the LC formula, I went to the bathroom about 6-7 times ugh.. Next time I will do an enema before beginning the LF.
The following morning, I drank 1 cup of hot water and lemon and voided very little. I decided to do an enema with 5 opened caps of PB 8 added to the water. I didn't see stones, but rather mucous like waste. I followed this procedure with a
coffee enema and saw more mucous,
parasites and a few small stones.
During the week I'd been chelating with 200 mg of DMSA, ALA and using Olive Leaf extract for systemic candida every three hours. I also took Green Vibrance every morning. Maybe this is why there were so few stones but several parasites. Perhaps liver
parasites are the reason I can't metabolize sulfur foods.
Any ideas?????