Modified Hulda Clark protocol works great!!!
After having done 50+ LFs (over the last 8 years) using the
Hulda Clark protocol I am finally figuring out how to shorten and simplify the process. One of the things I have hated the most with the
Hulda Clark LFs is swallowing the
Epsom Salt doses the morning after and then running to the loo all day. Because of the time requirement there have been many times when I felt I should do a
Liver-Flush but couldn't because I didn't have a day and a half to donate to it. Also, I can usually get the
Epsom Salts down in the evening before the OO/GF mixture, but my aversion to downing more the next morning is intense. Well, I have finally figured out how to make a
Liver-Flush much more pain free and yet just as effective. I thought perhaps others might be interested.
Here is the protocol I am now using. I still take one dose of the
Epsom Salts in the evening of the first day since the
Epsom Salts are used to relax the bile ducts so they will expand should your liver choose to push out larger stones. Then, I did enemas to clean myself out. A couple of hours after taking the one dose of Epsom salts, I juiced a grapefruit for the 6
oz of fresh grapefruit juice and added the juice of a lemon, since lemon juice specifically acts on the liver. I then did a coffee enema, using the 1 cup (8 oz) of boiled coffee in the rectum only where the coffee components are transferred to the liver via the hemorrhoidal vein. I held it 15 min and expelled. Then repeated the coffee enema, held for 15 min and expelled. The
coffee enema also relaxes the bile ducts and causes the liver to dump toxins. So I did it immediately before drinking the OO/GF mix. On completion of the coffee enemas, I added the olive oil to the grapefruit and lemon juice, shook it up vigorously and drank it and went to bed. In the morning, on rising, I did a warm salt water flush using 2
quarts of water with 2 tsp. Himalayan salt per
quart of water. An hour and a half later the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) came out the other end and I was done with the
Liver-Flush and could spend the day as I chose, not having to be close to a toilet. And yes, I passed stones with the
Liver Flush . . .dull jade green stones.
I did the one dose of Epsom salts since I am not yet sure whether the whole thing could successfully be done with just the coffee enemas. From the research reading I have done, though the coffee relaxes the bile ducts, what the articles all say is that the liver dumps toxic bile. No where do any of the articles say the liver also puts out stones when using coffee.
I don't drink coffee or caffeinated drinks so I had made a weak boiled coffee (1 tbsp. ground coffee to 6 cups of water) which seems to be all the stronger a solution I need for a coffee enema. But others may need to make their
coffee enemas full strength.