The great stone debate (my story so far long)
I am not trying to 'prove' anything because of course one can't.
But based on my experiences I cannot help but believe that the objects coming out of my body are
liver stones .
I have done five
Liver Flushes I think (might have been six) and all have been different.
The first one I passed no stones on the flush day, but soft clumps of green gritty stuff and chaff. During the next three weeks I passed great quantities of bizarre stuff. Big green blobs, squarish yellowy blobs, lots of chaff and brown powdery stuff etc.
Every 2-3 days I would wake up with pain and nausea that wouldn't stop. On one occassion I had to go out immediately on getting up and I felt so sick I couldn't walk two blocks without sitting down. Like a really bad flu type feeling.
I would take some
Epsom Salts and the pain would subside and within an hour I would pass more stones etc. My bowel movements during this phase were usually fluffy like dryer lint and often contained undigested food despite PB Shakes etc.
6 Weeks later I did flush number two with quite a few stones and only passed more for 3 days. Very tired for 2 weeks.
5 weeks later Flush number 3 produced a lot of chaff and very few stones (less than 200). The first stones that came out were after the second
Epsom Salts and before I drank the olive oil and were about 1/2
inch in diameter but seemed to be made up of small green chips gunked together by yellow waxy substance.
(This is the first time I actually fished some out of the toilet)
Perhaps they were formed in the intestines but I cannot see how. They were soft but a solid mass firmly glued together.
As I had eaten nothing but oranges for 24 hours and had not yet drank any oil I cannot conceive any possible manner that they could have been spontaneously created.
Flushes 4 and five I did in the daytime on waking. This is a lot easier for me and coincidentally after flush 4 I started having normal looking bowel movements within three days. This was quite a relief after 4 months of weird poop.
I am convinced that the
Liver Flushes have been beneficial as I no longer get sick afterwards and my eye whites are now white and shinyinstead of dull. Also my recovery time has gone from 3 weeks to the same day.
I never had a gallbladder attack or back shoulder pain etc. despite 40 years of very bad dietary habits combined with heavy drinking and chain smoking. I just decided to quit drinking one day and had read an article a couple of years ago about
Liver Flushing so I thought why not.
I have always done the standard
Hulda Clark flush (flush number 3 I took the extra oil dose) and used the light oil she recomends mainly because I bought a big bottle and it is not gone yet. I have also done 2
parasite cleanses and a commercial bowel/kidney/liver cleanse.
Well enough about that