Re: Ramtha is anti-religion
I have a Ramtha book but never read it.
I do know that reality is what you think. Your diet, your actions, your emotions are all an outcome of what and how you think.
I've never seen the Secret but I have seen What the Bleep Do We Know. There are many truths in at least the latter and a successful directing of those truths can be achieved.
If you are aware, conscious and ready.
It's like being shown the freedoms and responsibilities of driving a car when you're 15 yet you're being incapable of handling the responsibilities and then therefore miss the opportunities to rightfully enjoy it.
We all create our reality and most of us do so in the wrong way.
Think about it.
When a teenager chooses to go out and drink and smoke rather than stay home and study, are they not creating their own reality? Or if you decide to lie to your wife and meet a co-worker instead for a drink, only ultimately leading to an affair. How about blaming someone else for all your life's ills?
Even dismissing chasing your dream and instead following your obligations. Each decision is your choice.
We all make choices, some are better than others, but at all times, WE are making the decision.
I fully believe that we create our situation. I'm living proof of it.
The point of asking and receiving is also allowing the void to work. Most think you just focus on something obsessively and you should get it - that's not proper, that's not balanced or correct.
You focus, send intent and then forget and move on, knowing that the universe will deliver, let the void fulfill the request. It will always work.
And it only works when you ask for the right thing in the right way. If you want a billion dollars for selfish purposes, guess what, you won't get it - that's not a universal dictate but a selfish one.
When you know and understand it is spoken to you; sadly, these books and DVDs are marketed to your average person who has not mastered the art of living moderately and therefore cannot fully appreciate and respond in an appropriate fashion.