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Everything is vibration, on any planet, on any system, or any universe, so that gives us some faint illustration of other dimensions.
MadArtist Views: 5,823
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Everything is vibration, on any planet, on any system, or any universe, so that gives us some faint illustration of other dimensions.

Brings me back to my childhood - when all possibilities were open. I was so fascinated by this book [excerpt below]at 13 years old, - and somehow was sidetracked by life and did not continue to seek the path to open 'my third eye'. Though this book may not be scientific treatise, it was certainly 'eye opening' and thought provoquing...

Excerpt [link to free book download at end]:

"Actually you can get an idea, a rough idea, from thinking
that everything is vibration. One end we call ‘feel’, a bit
further we say ‘sound’, higher up still it is ‘sight’.
Everything is vibration, on any planet, on any system, or any universe, so
that gives us some faint illustration of other dimensions. It is
rare indeed for a person to feel a sound or see a sound, yet they
are all vibrations, all part of the same scale. There are entities who can see sound. there are animals who can hear different
sounds, those which are beyond human range. Dogs, for in-
stance, will respond to a whistle which is completely silent to
humans. Cats see colors on a different spectrum; cats, for
example, see red as silver. But to give another slight illustra-
tion which might help, try to work out this for yourself:

We have a person who was born blind. Now, you have the
task of explaining to that person who was born blind the diff-
erence between red and pink, or between yellow and orange.
How are you going to do that? You can’t. There is no way in
which you can explain to a blind person the difference between
yellow and orange, or amber and brown. You could possibly
explain the difference between red and green if the person was
extremely sensitive and could feel the difference. But you work
that out—you want to know what other dimensions are like, so
cut off a dimension that you know, cut off sight. Then how are
you going to explain to a person who has never known sight
the difference between pink and red?"

Question Two: ‘If these souls are newly created, how far
does the multiplication go? How much room do we have?
Where does it end?’
We are up against relativity here. Actually space is limit-
less. We are not dealing with just a three dimensional thing
but with things of all dimensions and things of no dimensions.
On Earth we are limited to certain dimensions, for example, I
am in a room. The room has four sides, it has a roof (fortu-
nately!), and it has a floor. When I am in this room and the
door is shut I cannot go out without opening the door, but if a
person of the fourth dimension, who we would call a ghost,
wanted to come in—well, there would be no problem because
the molecules of the wall here would be so tenuous to a ghost
that he would simply drift through without any problems at
all. It is something like ice which is a hard solid substance.
People living on a world of ice would have no conception of
what their souls would be like, but let us ‘kill’ some ice, let us
alter its rate of vibration because when a thing dies its rate of
vibration alters. This ice, then, that we are going to ‘kill’ turns
into water. It is a completely different sort of substance from
ice. The water flows, it can take up the shape of the receptacle
which retains it. But we want to find the ‘soul of ice’ so let us
heat up the water and thereby increase its vibration, and then
we get steam, a gas. So if you think of a body—a human
body—as being represented by ice, then you can readily ap-
preciate that the next stage up when the ice turns to water is
when we get out of the body and get into the astral world and
we flow about. Beyond that—well, we go from the water stage
up into the water vapor stage, up into the gas stage. So you
could not push a piece of ice through an apparently solid sub-
stance such as a piece of blotting paper, but you could push
water through. Even better, you could blow steam all the way
through easily.

You can see, though, that the molecules of ice, the molecules
of water, and the molecules of steam are different. They get
more and more dispersed as one goes up. We get the same
thing with the body and the soul of Man.

Question Three: ‘We were taught that our Maker is a one
God. Is really just one Entity at the head of all creation, or is
it a governing group at the head of our “All”?’

You really do ask the stickiest of questions in this one about
God. You ask is it really one Entity at the head of all creation.
Look at it like this; you are a human and presumably you have
a head, feet, arms, and a few other bits stuck on your body at
strategic points. All this makes you—just one of you—and
your hands, your feet, your knees, your—everything—goes to
form that one, and all those parts are dependent upon each
other. Of course you could do without a hand or without a leg,
but you couldn't do without a head although most people seem
to try to nowadays. But ‘God’ is that entity which comprises
the whole of the Universes and there are billions of them, and
each Universe and part of a Universe is an essential part of the
basic ‘God’.

Question Four: ‘Will our souls live forever after we will
graduate from this world? After so many lives we will go to
better places, you have me convinced of that fact. How many
worlds will we graduate to and where will we end?’

Yes, our ‘souls’ will live as long as ‘God’ lives because our
souls, our Oversells, etc., are just part of the fabric of God. If
you stick a pin in yourself and withdraw it from your quiver-
ing body it may appear that the pin is quite clean, bare of
everything, but if you stick it in the field of a very powerful
microscope you may find one lonely molecule waving at you
through the electronic magnifier. Well, that one lonely mole-
cule can be just as you are to ‘God’."

[Sorry ! link not working somehow - will try to fix]



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